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Life Coach to Change.

Home: Welcome


"My experience with Way Forward has been amazing!
From one on one counselling and life coaching to the events and workshops she organises.
Truly has helped me become the best version of myself and keep growing and establishing myself in all that I do and all my relationships, especially the most important one, my relationship with myself. I could not recommend her more!"


Estella Sobramaney


Rosita Lovisetto Way Forward.jpg


My name is Rose and

I coach Life Warriors:  Young, talented individuals that bring light into this world despite their past and traumas.


We believe in perseverance and we take failure as our great teacher.


My background is in psychology, sociology, social care, counselling, business management, marketing and holistic practices. I am a certified coach and mentor with over 20 years of experience in personal and professional development.

Most importantly, I am a self-made person and an eternal student. I ride the way of changes and I master my own destiny.


Way Forward is the coaching method that is going to awake you, rebalance you, heal you and guide you ahead, step by step to your well deserved idea of success.


The Way Forward coaching style is straightforward, accessible and life changing. I will be your coach, your guidance and your friend.


Now, let me hear all about you!

Why Way Forward?

We aim to:

- Create a safe space to talk freely

- Explore past events but focus on the present moment

- Implement daily rituals for wellbeing and happiness

- Navigate trough fears, doubts and uncertainties

- Learn how to adopt a growth and positive mindset

- Remove blockages, old conditioning and false beliefs 

- Work on regaining confidence and self-belief 

- Learn self-love and boundaries 

- Analyse strengths, opportunities and areas of improvement in every aspect of life


Whether you need just a chat, few sessions or a full transformative coaching and healing programme, we'll plan your bespoke Way Forward journey in a specific, measurable and achievable way that works for you


This is not average coaching. It's an eclectic experience that will shape your life. You will notice situations unfolding and opportunities rising. You will feel lighter, you will have a clear vision that connects to your authenticity and you will be proud of yourself for finally taking the right steps forward.


Book your 1 hour online friendly chat, Free of charge. No hard selling.

(That's not our way!)


This can be the positive action that you will need to take today towards your dreams and achievements.


Fill in the form to get in touch!

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